I want to finish my FYP 2 weeks before the deadline, or at least a week, so i can travel overseas. That said, i need to stop recommending stuffs to the professors who will then stop encouraging me to 'explore' further. My friend said (knowing my working style) with this 'take-home' project i will bound to work on it whenever i can. man is he right.. However, 'whenever-i-can' doesnt occur frequently due to other commitments and even when 'whenever-i-can' does arrive, i might not have the mood to work on it. You know there is this lastly invention or craze call Facebook? oh you heard about it already?! i am sorry... i am a laggard (by about a year). hmm.. nvm, u understand what i am talking about dont u.. some applications are sooo #$@@%-ing interesting... well well, 'whenever-i-can' has arrived (cant tell?), i better go get acquainted with some codes and blocks.