Friday, April 4, 2008

At home in biz huh? whats that..

This semester has been rather fun, meeting lotsa new ppl in business and giving out name cards, especially to those in the CFA interest group and the other Beta Gamma Sigma members. Anyway, the students in biz are generally much more ambitious and street smart than the engineering students and they have rather good presentation skills, moreover, their resumes are pretty decent too. Also, not only do they have dreams to become entrepreneurs, some are already doing it for real, and the effort they put into the market research ah, amazing man. I have expressed interest in some of their plans and one is already sending me updates every now and then on his progress. His plan sounds really feasible to me, it is quite li hai of him to think of it in the first place actually. At biz school, i feel so at home. Oh well, back to design 2 ...