Have u ever found yourself in a situation where things just seem too good to be true? In my life, when this situation occurs, it tends to be.. well.. too good to be true. I hope this time round, things will be different.
Anyway, my friends and i are pooling cash to start an 'investment fund', e initial sum will be less than 10k but more than 5k. you guys can visit Nustrades yahoo grp for comments and messages posted by us. I am using it as a platform to guide by friends into the world of investing and hopefully all of us can gain something outta it. Really hope that their opinions can help me see things from a different pair of glasses as i am already starting to see myself screening out some stocks just because of my previous encounters with stocks of a particular industry. Currently all the post are by me, if you find any debatable argument please let me know your opinion on that issue.