Sunday, July 6, 2008

alright, i apologize for the stir that my previous post caused. 请多多包含. It wasnt meant to generalize things; it was written in the context of 'couples' (ok, dun start another round of bombardment), pardon me if i have not made it explicit enough. That said i understand that there are some erroneous statements, however, just take them with a pinch of salt k.

So.. FYP readings have started and i do not understand a thing that i am reading. E project title is: "Are PI/D Controllers Effective and Sufficient for Blood Glucose Control?". Its a computational based project, not experimental. Cant stand labs. It requires the use of Matlab and Simulink to solve numerous ordinary differential and partial differential equations which models the patient dynamics i.e. gastric emptying processes, renal threshold of glucose and the like. (quite a mouth full ya) There are of cos the controller parts too which will release the proper amount of insulin required after some computation which i will have to model so as to prevent hpyo and hyperglycemia. (not a clue). All the maths are coming back to haunt me, the 4th order Runge-Kutta method, 1st order Euler integration. i have forgotten everything about them too... great

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